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 I'm bored, even here in the future

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Roxie Gemini
Atomic Space Administrator
Atomic Space Administrator
Roxie Gemini

Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-08-31

I'm bored, even here in the future Empty
PostSubject: I'm bored, even here in the future   I'm bored, even here in the future EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 11:45 am

You'd think with everything we have going for us in the future, I wouldn't be so bored. I could take a spaceship to the moons of Saturn, sure. Maybe plug my cranial implant into a holo-simulator. But I've done that all before, you know. There's nothing I can do right now about the electro-atomitron glitch. It's Robot Overlord Appreciation Day and all the technicians are enjoying the day off.
Maybe I'll just take a neuro-relaxer pill and have a nap.

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I'm bored, even here in the future
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